Foreigners in the Favela, photo by Ana Branca

Foreign Invasion of the Favela

Clique aqui para Português Experts warn of risks as growth in demand boosts real estate values. For original article in O Globo click here (or here for the full version). The sound of Portuguese spoken with an […]


Vidigal: One Year After the Occupation

Clique aqui para Português For the original article by community journalist Mariana Albanese in Portuguese for Vidiga! click here. One year ago was a decisive moment in our history. Late Saturday night, November 13, 2011, Vidigal […]


Favelas and Speculation

Clique aqui para Português For the original article by Victor Domingues in Portuguese published in Observatório de Favelas click here. According to estimates by the São Paulo Civil Defense, one person died and 300 were left homeless […]